Book hotels with ease
Our platform gives users access to a wide range of properties to book from multiple content providers – all consolidated into one single interface.
Search more than one million hotels
From global chains to unique independent properties worldwide, book and stay at your favourite places.
Consolidated content in a single interface
Content from a vast array of sources is pulled into our centralised system giving you a wide range of choice consolidated into one convenient view.
Compare hotels to get the best price
By comparing prices, ratings, and locations, you can filter and prioritise your searches to find the best accommodation for you. And, our interactive map makes visualising your options even easier.
Easily amend reservations in our convenient app
Ready and waiting
Keep on top of your diary and synchronise your bookings to your calendar in real time. Conveniently have all the travel details with you, ready and waiting.
“... TripStax Hotels...account management has been absolutely great.“
Location, location, location
Conduct hotel searches using your exact destination. Narrow down your search results and instantly show availability near to your corporate locations, your clients' offices or points of interest, such as airports and conference centres.
Amend your bookings on-the-move
In a fast-paced world, it's important to be able to quickly adjust plans if needed. Easily amend reservations, and if you're on-the-move, use our convenient app.
Save your personal preferences
User profiles and preferences are securely stored, so booking a room is faster and more convenient. Access details quickly, search for hotels, compare prices and book in no time at all.